Before we can fully dive into all the aspects of being a homemaker I think it is important and helpful to ask ourselves “why?”
why do we take care of the house?
why do we cook for our family?
why do we get up and go to work?
These questions might seem silly, but i think its really easy to get into a place where we just lose our purpose, and start to have a bad attitude.
I recently wrote down these two questions, as a believer in Jesus I wanted to refocus my vision on why I spend time with Him.
“Why do I spend time with Jesus?”
“Why do I clean the house?”
I was a bit disappointed at my answers..
They sounded a little like this..
well I love a clean house but I have to spend time with Jesus.
Could that really be my honest answers?
A heart that cares more about my earthly possessions and pride of taking care them, over Jesus? disappointingly, yes.
As I sat there in the realization that I needed a lot more help than I imagined, I was gently reminded that Jesus is there to help me.
To help me each day, in every task set before me, no matter how big or small.
It may seem silly to need Jesus' help to fold a load of laundry, but something as small as laundry can turn into something real ugly if our hearts are not in the right place.
There are days where the mess around the house is going to pile up,
our patience is going to be tried (like everyday) (especially if you have little kids that NEED a lot of it)
and there are days when nothing is going to go the way we carefully planned out.
What do we do in those days and situations?
I know what my flesh does, and let me tell ya it ain't pretty.
For me, I need Jesus from the best days to the worst ones-
Its in those days of complete chaos, to the totally rad ones that I need Jesus to be my peace and stay.
I want to be able to carry the heart and attitude of worship through out the day and I need to recognize that God is with me in every moment.
And let me just say, that's not a principle only for married women with kids, its for all women.
We need to be willing to let God lead our homes, and lives as He sees fit.
But practically how do we let God lead? decisions need to be made, food needs to be prepared, little teeth need to be brushed, and the list goes on..
well a good place to start is asking yourself WHY, "Why do you do what you do?"
find a few quiet moments to be with the Lord and be honest with Him.
then let Him speak to you and quiet your heart with His love and goodness.
and let us remember each day to:
ask to be filled with His Spirit
ask for forgiveness when we mess up
look at each day as a fresh start and remember His mercies are new everyday
If you don't know the answer to "Why" or wish you had an different one-
lets look to Jesus to give us His answers and dive into all the different aspects of being a woman and a homemaker together. Which I am excited to continue this journey with you!
"Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16

Beautiful, so encouraging to know im Not alone, a lot of the time I set my home before Jesus, I loved this! Thank you!
I love this and needed to hear this.